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Company profile

GfG Ltd, for dangerous goods, in short GfG, is a professional consulting enterprise specialized in the transport of dangerous goods. The enterprise is based in Switzerland and has offices in Romanshorn, canton Thurgau and in Basel, canton Basel city.

We think and act global and GfG is well connected by partnerships and international co- operations over many decades. The dangerous goods experts of GfG are in the best way word-wide connected with numerous other specialized experts in the area of the transport of dangerous goods as well as with dangerous substances specialists. Associated to GfG are specialists who posses long-term (over 20 years) experiences as experts in the dangerous goods area. In this way GfG can utilize the broad experience – a treasure chest - of Dangerous Goods experts, chemists and other qualified staff members at home and abroad.

Our customers will profit from our numerous strategic co-operations with best qualified consulting firms and competent experts as well as from our world-wide covering network. Our highly-qualified and motivated and reliable team with decades of experiences in the dangerous goods area is the substantial success factor. We understand the tasks of dangerous goods management in depth and consider future-oriented solutions. Our solutions are only customer oriented considering quality, and cost criteria. Convince yourselves of our qualities! Get in contact with us without any obligation:

Jürgen Migenda - Nuclear Engineer

Jürgen Migenda
short CV
  • Nuclear Engineer who was educated in Jülich and Aachen / Germany and Atlanta/USA
  • 5 years working experience in the US as project and developing engineer in the area of transport, storage and developing transport casks for radioactive material and spent fuel
  • Since August 2000 managing director and founder of the consulting company GfG Gesellschaft für Gefahrgut mbH in Baden/Switzerland in the area of dangerous goods
  • Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser for various small, medium size and global operating companies
  • Specialized in consulting global operating chemical companies
  • Since 2000consulting and training various companies in the area of dangerous goods transport covering all transport modes (Road/Rail, Sea,- and Air)
Direct-contakt E-Mail: juergen.migenda [at] gfg-gefahrgut [dot] ch


Raul Mitter - Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser

Raul Mitter
short CV
  • Apprenticeship as Chemical plant opperator at the chemical company Henkel in Düsseldorf/Germany from 1992 to 1999
  • Several years working experience in various managing positions at a chemical company in Switzerland
  • Since 2001 shipping manager and from 2004 on Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser and responsible for the chemical company Clariant in Switzerland. Additionally responsible for global activities as Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser for Corporate ESHA and Group Transport Safety of Clariant International
  • Winner of the „Dangerous Goods Magazine innovation price 2008” in Munich/Germany, with the eLearning tool „Dangerous goods by Sea“
  • 2009 co-founder of the European Competence Center for Transport Safety
  • May 2010 further education as „Safety Expert for Dangerous Goods Transportation“ holding the „Certificate of Competence“ in compliance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024/2003
  • September 2010 founder of MITTER SAFETY CONSULTING in Basel
  • Since January 2011 deputy of the managing director of GfG
Direct-contakt E-Mail: raul.mitter [at] gfg-gefahrgut [dot] ch


To improve the safety in the areas of Transport of Dangerous Goods and Dangerous Substances
is our Mission!


Schweizer Gefahrguttag